• All Homeowners
  • Everyone Purchasing a Home
  • Especially Homes which have Finished Basements
  • Homebuyers Concerned about Resale Value
Professional Continuous Radon Monitor
Electret Ion Chamber

Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that is produced by the radioactive decay of uranium present in all earth materials such as rocks, soils, brick and concrete. You cannot see it, smell it or taste it. Outdoor air has radon in it (but not much). Indoors, however, radon concentrations can build up to much higher than outdoor levels, if ventilation is poor.

Breathing high concentrations of radon can cause lung cancer. More importantly, radon decays radioactively into other elements that are also radioactive, and unlike radon these other elements (such as polonium) stick in the lungs if inhaled. The Surgeon General has warned that radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer. Additionally, there is evidence that radon is much more dangerous to smokers than to non-smokers.

D-Tech is certified as a Primary Tester. We perform our own analysis of our E-Perm system, which means you get same day results. Electronic Continuous Radon monitoring with computerized print-outs are available.

D-Tech also handles a variety of larger commercial projects including radon testing for Phase 1 environmental assessments, large commercial buildings, and worker health and safety programs. Please call for pricing on your project.